The RDF graph

LIFT takes a TEI document and returns an RDF graph. The semantics of the RDF graph is predefined, but you can modify it to suit your needs. For example, you could choose to reuse different ontologies or create new transformation rules.

The semantics of LIFT’s RDF graphs is defined by the following ontologies:

This section compares the input TEI constructs with the corresponding RDF output to give you a better understanding of how LIFT creates your RDF triples. Please visit the above links to know more about each of the ontologies and properties reused in LIFT.


 1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 2<TEI xmlns="" xml:base="" xml:id="example_v1">
 3        <teiHeader>
 4                ...
 5                <listPerson type="ancient-athenian-philosophers" corresp="">
 6                        <person xml:id="Socr" sameAs="">
 7                                <persName xml:lang="en">Socrates</persName>
 8                        </person>
 9                </listPerson>
10                ...
11        </teiHeader>
12        <text>
13                ...
14                <p xml:id="para02">Some text mentioning <persName ref="#Aristot">Aristotle</persName> and <placeName ref="#Sparta">Sparta</placeName> here.</p>
15                ...
16        </text>
1<> a crm:E21_Person ;
2        rdfs:label "Aristotle"@en ;
3        owl:sameAs <>, <> ;
4        dcterms:description "ancient athenian philosophers" ;
5        dcterms:subject <> ;
6        dcterms:isReferencedBy <> .


 1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 2<TEI xmlns="" xml:base="" xml:id="example_v1">
 3        <teiHeader>
 4                ...
 5                <listPlace>
 6                <place xml:id="Athens" sameAs="">
 7                <placeName xml:lang="en">Athens</placeName>
 8                </place>
 9                ...
10        </listPlace>
11                ...
12        </teiHeader>
13        <text>
14                ...
15                <p xml:id="para01">Some text mentioning <persName ref="#Plat">Plato</persName> and <placeName ref="#Athens">Athens</placeName>.</p>
16                ...
17        </text>
1<> a crm:E53_Place ;
2        rdfs:label "Athens"@en ;
3        owl:sameAs <> ;
4        dcterms:isReferencedBy <> .


 1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 2<TEI xmlns="" xml:base="" xml:id="example_v1">
 3        <teiHeader>
 4                ...
 5                <listPerson>
 6                <listRelation>
 7                <relation xml:id="rel01" name="hasStudent" active="#Socr" passive="#Plat #Xen #Criti"/>
 8                <relation xml:id="rel02" name="hasColleague" mutual="#Plat #Xen"/>
 9                </listRelation>
10                ...
11        </listPerson>
12                ...
13        </teiHeader>
14        ...
1<> a crm:E21_Person ;
2        agrelon:hasStudent <>, <>, <> .
1<> a crm:E21_Person ;
2        agrelon:hasColleague <> .


 1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 2<TEI xmlns="" xml:base="" xml:id="example_v1">
 3        <teiHeader>
 4                ...
 5                <listPerson type="ancient-athenian-philosophers" corresp="">
 6                        <person xml:id="Socr" sameAs="">
 7                                ...
 8                                <event xml:id="ev01" type="trial" when="-0399" corresp="">
 9                        <label>Socrates trial</label>
10                        <desc xml:id="desc01">The trial of <persName ref="#Socr" role="defendant" corresp="">Socrates</persName> for impiety and corruption of the youth took place in <placeName ref="#Athens">Athens</placeName> in <date when="-0399">399 B.C.</date></desc> <bibl xml:id="bibl01" sameAs=""><author ref="#Plat">Plato</author> gives a contemporary account of the trial in his work titled <title ref="Apology_of_Socr">Apology of Socrates</title>.</bibl>
11                </event>
12                        </person>
13                </listPerson>
14                ...
15        </teiHeader>
16        ...
 1<> a crm:E5_Event ;
 2        rdfs:label "Socrates trial" ;
 3        dcterms:description "trial" ;
 4dcterms:subject <> ;
 5prov:hadPrimarySource <> .
 7<> a prov:PrimarySource ;
 8        dcterms:creator <> ;
 9        dcterms:title "Apology of Socrates" ;
10        owl:sameAs <> .
 1<> a crm:E21_Person ;
 2        pro:holdsRoleInTime <> .
 4<> a pro:RoleInTime ;
 5pro:relatesToEntity <> ;
 6        pro:withRole <> ;
 7        tvc:atTime <> ;
 8        proles:relatesToPlace <> .
10<> a <> ;
11        ti:hasIntervalEndDate "-0399"^^xsd:date ;
12        ti:hasIntervalStartDate "-0399"^^xsd:date .
14<> a pro:Role ;
15        rdfs:label "defendant" ;
16        owl:sameAs <> .